Thursday, February 11, 2010

Raktotpalam Bibhratim

The other hand twirling a red lotus.

She is having two hands of which one is having a jewelled-cup filled with mead and other is bearing a red-lotus flower (Is there any relationship between a cup and lotus). Ofcourse, here nowhere its mentioned as lotus. Its mentioned just a Raktothphalam (red-coloured flower). Why to consider Lotus? What is its speciality?


1. Lotus is our national flower. Lotus is the flower which flowers only in the place where there is mud (that too with deeper shaggy area of a lake). Similarly sadhaka has been born as a human in this samsara.

2. Lotus stands in its stem and it never cares for floods. It can withstand its height according to the level of water in the stream. Similarly, sadhaka never cares for worldily environment. (He never care whats the situation surrounding him externally, as he is very keen in watching his internal environment). Sadhaka can also manage every situation with the grace of our divine mother and never worries for the causes.

3. Though Lotus borns in mud, it never touches the mud. Similarly the sadhaka should also free himself from this worldily bonds.

4. Even if you sprinkle water over the lotus, it will drain off. It never carries the water with it, although it resides in the water. Similarly, sadhaka should live in this world, amidst other normal people, but at the sametime he should maintain his uniqueness.

5. The petals of the lotus will be converged in the dark, and once the sun came as rising-sun (I mean red-sun = sinduraruna; udhyad banu), the lotus petals will open and receive the light with great happiness. Similarly the sadhaka should also perform his dhyana in dark (Andarmuhka samaradhana; within his mind) till he gets the grace of mother. Also, he should converge all his thoughts and concentrate only on holy mother like the lotus. The grace of amba will come like the rising sun and once it touches the sadhaka, he will be blessed forever.

6. The lotus looks so beautiful in our hands or over the gods, than it looks alone in the pond. Similarly the life of sadhaka will also be beautiful after reaching the lotus-feet of amba than he dwells in the world.

Thus are the relationship between lotus and sadhaka.

The divine mother is holding this lotus in her hands, meaning the sadhaka is entirely in her hands (under her safe control). It also means that only with the intention of amba, the sadhaka will even start doing thinking of amba. Every living and non-living beings are under her control only. But sadhakas are so special, that she herself holds them in her hand, protect them and also see them continously.

As we know very well, the two eyes of matha are the moon and the sun. Now taking this into mind, another concept is also working out here. With the moon in her eyes (in her head- thara nayaga sekharam), she is making the mead (nectar food) and with the sun in her eyes (in her crown- manickya mouli), she is making the lotus to flower.

She is protecting everyone and providing food to everyone of her child. At the sametime, she has fond over her special devotees whom she carry in her hands itself.

The guru who shows the grace of amba is represented by the jewelled-cup in one hand and the sadhaka is represented by the lotus in other hand.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you. This soooo beautiful and makes perfect sense. Dhyayeta Param Ambikam 🙏🏻!!
