Thursday, March 11, 2010

Dhyayeth Paraam Ambikaam

Think and meditate our holy mother like this.

Actually this should come first, "Dhyayeth paraam ambikam.. Sinduraruna vigrahaam...". But it is the rule that "If you want to emphasize a thing, keep it in last". To accomplish this, vasinis have kept this statement at the end. Because meditating or concentrating is the important thing done by sadhaka to get grace of ambika. Thats the real ultimate aim of this whole description at all.

That too the emphasis ends like this "Paraam ambikam" whom you are meditating? She is the superior and she is the mother of all. Since noone is beyond her, you should meditate her. Para- superior. We even called mahadeva, mahavishnu and all. But only we call amba as "paradevatha" as she is the superior.

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